Everyday my son Zander is learning and doing something new. He is 2 1/2 yrs old and been completely potty trained for several months, he is starting to say his ABC’s and he can count to 10. Having Stephanie as a stay-at-home mom has been excellent for Zander’s learning curve. A couple of months ago Stephanie started teaching Zander all the different body parts and he was learning fast. He had already learned all the parts on his face. As we walked through a sporting goods store he showed me just how much he had learned.
Tag: Zander
I did it!
That’s what my son, Zander says whenever he does something we’ve made a big deal about before – like counting to twelve.
“One, two, free, four, five, six…(short pause) six, eight, nine, ten, twelve… I did it!”, followed by his own ‘Yeah!!” and clapping. It’s cute. We encourage it.Â
On Friday, at 56th St and Mayo – I did it! My bike odometer rolled over 1000 miles!!! I called Stephanie. I know, its not that big a deal for some of the cyclist out there, but I can count to twelve without skipping seven and eleven. I did it! And I’m very proud!
Blast from the Past: myOldBlogs
Can’t get enought of myBlog? Well, I’ve just added 13 entries from over a year ago. I started an online journal when Zander was born – quickly abondoned it, then picked it back up again – Then abondoned it again. I’ve published them under the correct dates that I wrote them, but you can ignore the timestamp on the posts – You can read them all here.
These 13 entries are all of those efforts. I wrote them before I had WordPress (the blog software I use to publish this blog) and I believe the lack of entries is directly related to amount of effort it took to write an entry. Anyway, most of its boring, but there are a few great posts about Zander and Stephanie – so enjoy, and feel free to comment on anything you read there…
Oh, by the way, some of the posts were writen when I was feeling a little hopeless due to the long cold winter weather and my not being in ministry full time but remember these are over a year old, so please don’t attempt to cheer me up based on what you read in myOldBlogs.