D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX myThoughts

OK — that’s better…

It felt like I couldn’t get on the road for anything the other day. I had a flat tire Wednesday morning that I didn’t discover until after I had suited up for a bike ride, packed my work gear into my pannier, and headed out to the garage. I drove the car to work that morning but not until after I fixed the flat. That night I was determined to ride the bike for at least a few miles. I grabbed Zander, put him in the baby bike stroller and hit the road. After I got a couple of miles from the house – the wind picked up – going in the ‘other’ direction and the bike stroller acted like a big parachute. I only got about 7 miles like that.

So I brought the bike in the house, put it on the bike trainer and rode another 5 miles. The next morning I rode the entire 19 miles to work AND I took the long way home for another 21 miles. Now that’s more like it! After this week on the cruise (whaaaoooo!!!!) I only have three weekends left before my 1000 mile bike ride. One of those weekends, my Columbus friends are headed to Vegas which is only a five hour drive — I really want to head that way but that would take another weekend out of my training time. We’ll see — in either case, I have a lot of riding to do between now and May 26th.

My Weight Loss myThoughts

Putting it all together

Well, tonight I stayed home from church to get some work done, but I also got a chance to clean out the spare room and put my brand new Blowflex Revolution together!  I’m still waiting on the accessory rack and the work mat.  After putting it together, I know how much I need the accessory rack – I have parts everywhere.  Zander helped me put it together – he was very excited to do so.

Now that my home gym is together, lets see if I can get my act together…


Happy Birthday Zander!

Today is Zander’s birthday. He turned three today. I took the entire day off work (despite having a couple of projects that are behind) and went to the library, the park, and grand finale …. Chucky Cheese! OK, Chucky Cheese isn’t that great, but it is cheap and Zander had a lot of fun.

Birthday’s were never a big deal for me that I can remember, but Stephanie (my wife) always had something special going on for her birthday. She has pushed me to make sure I make birthdays for Zander more than ‘just-another-day’ as I often find myself treating my birthdays. For that, I’m glad. We are having a birthday party for him on Saturday, but today was just us and I enjoyed it.