Ministry myThoughts

Church Sunday…

Billie Hunt ( taught at our church Sunday morning and night.  Her teaching was about not giving up on your dreams.  She used Joseph as an illustration.  The whole thing got me thinking, so I would say she did her job well. 

My Weight Loss myThoughts

Ok — its starting to get HOT!

Normally on Wednesday’s I have to take the bus to Arrowhead mall, then ride my bike to the church so that I can be there in time to watch Zander for Stephanie, right?  Today I leave work at 4:30 thinking, I’ll catch the 4:30 bus and be able to go home first so I don’t have to fight with the bike rack after church… then I got this bright idea – it’s only 4:30 – and it only takes me about 1 1/2 hours to get home when I ride my bike all the way.  Hmmm… that puts me at the house around 6pm.  I leave the bus stop and head home despite the fact that my left knee was starting to hurt and it fells a little hot.


He Who Finds a Wife, Finds a Good Thing

Ok – I was going to go to bed, but I noticed a bug in my journal page that incorrectly dated my entry as 04/01 instead of 04/11. I wanted to correct it, so I jumped on to my server and worked on it for while. It is now fixed, but in the process, I allowed myself to get side tracked and I re-read my journal entries from last year when we had Zander.

Wow – I had forgotten those thoughts completely. That is why I should have been keeping a journal my whole life – so that I wouldn’t forget. Zander is a child from God and sometimes I forget that. Stephanie is THE WIFE from God and I often forget that. I love her so much and my love for her grows everyday. I hope I am able to show all my children that my love for Stephanie is only passed by my Love for God.

Anyway – I must go – it’s late and I am tried… Until next time…