My Weight Loss myThoughts

Back in The Saddle Again…

Thank you for flooding my email box with concern about my lack of posting regarding weightloss – it was touching that you noticed my weekly update turned into monthly (er… not even) updates.  I was overwhelmed that you guys would not let me quit!… (cricket, cricket, cricket…) 


Working Vacation

I knew I should have turned off my phone when I went to bed last night!  I was awaken at 2 am with the sound of my phone going off – I had a page – Three actually.  We have service level agreements that we have to meet.  If no one respondes to the first page, we get another 15 mins later.  If no one respondes to that one, we get another.  The page this morning is a Sev 2 ticket.  We have three severity levels.  Sev 1 tickets have to be responded to within 15 mins.  Sev 2’s give us something like four hours.

Anyway, here I am at 2:30 in the morning, working.  I should have turned off my phone…

Family myThoughts

Movie Nite With The Fishers

We are having a blast with Jason and Heather and little Alora.  They flew in on Wednesday night and will be here until Tuesday morning.  We hung out at a local mall Thursday, went to Tombstone Friday (Stephanie and I had never been before either), enjoyed a lazy day on Saturday, went to church this morning and tonight decided on a movie night over heading to Flagstaff.