My Weight Loss

My Weightloss Journal

Ok — One of the BIG reasons I finally moved to AZ was my wieght. I gained an average of 10lbs a year in Columbus OH, taking me from the slightly overweight 230lbs to the extreemly overweight 330lbs! The last summer I was in Columbus, Stephanie and I bought bikes and begain to ride a couple of nights a week and on weekends. I lost 30lbs that summer, but it got cold (remember, I was in Ohio) and I couldn’t ride anymore. I started to gain some of the weight back.

My Weight Loss

I made it!

I started riding the bus to work a few weeks ago.  It saves us over $120 a month in gas – which is cool – but it takes me an hour and a half to get to work – which is not cool.  So, I noticed every bus has a bike rack on the front so you can ‘bike-n-ride’.  I got to thinking maybe I could take my bike to work in the morning and ride my bike home.  So I tried that almost two weeks ago.  My thought was this, sure its 100 plus degrees outside, but I can get on the bus any time I get too tired, right?

So my first real attempt was no too bad; I made it about 8 miles before I got on the bus (oh, it’s 18-19 miles to work).  My second attempt I made it 14 miles.  But yesterday, I made it all the way home – in all I put 23 miles on my bike yesterday.  I had to ride up to Union Hills from my house (about four miles) because my bus already had two bikes on it (they only carry two).  I could have waited 30 mins for the next bus, but I chose to cycle instead.


Downhill Fast (having nothing to do with cycling)

I haven’t been in here and a while and I cannot seem to get this to work remotely. Not sure why. Money is tight, I am still in OH, and I am still much larger than I want to be. I am behind about 45 chapters in my bible reading. Which is better than I was… Anyway, I hate that I haven’t written in a while. I am putting a lot of my thoughts onto Jason’s bible forum. I should download it and put them here as well. I’m falling asleep, so nite.

Later, Same Day…


I just read my last entry in April. I have an update – I did not get the raise I asked for, I have not successfully plugged into lay leadership as I had hoped, we are not still geocaching on a weekly basis. Suprised? I’m not. forgive me, but I’m not in a great mood and I don’t currently see a bright future…