Normally on Wednesday’s I have to take the bus to Arrowhead mall, then ride my bike to the church so that I can be there in time to watch Zander for Stephanie, right?  Today I leave work at 4:30 thinking, I’ll catch the 4:30 bus and be able to go home first so I don’t have to fight with the bike rack after church… then I got this bright idea – it’s only 4:30 – and it only takes me about 1 1/2 hours to get home when I ride my bike all the way. Hmmm… that puts me at the house around 6pm. I leave the bus stop and head home despite the fact that my left knee was starting to hurt and it fells a little hot.
Tag: Work
500 MILES!
I would [ride] 500 miles, and I would [ride] 500 more… dadadada
OK — I’m not the Proclaimers singing “When I wake up” but I DID RIDE 500 MILES! My bike had about 150 miles on it when I got here to Phoenix, AZ.  Today, my bike rolled over 500 miles!Â
Dropping the ball…
I missed the mark… I didn’t invite anyone from work to our church sponsored barbeque and I didn’t invite my neighbors. I really fell short. I have excusses, but why bother? I missed it, plain and simple. What do I need to do to change? It’s too simplistic to say, “I can’t change myself, I have to rely on God” but too overwelming to say “I’ll pull myself up by my bootstraps, and fix this thing“. It has to be somewhere in the middle.