My Weight Loss

The Bod Pod

So, as you know by know, I’m working to lose weight.  I’ve already seen a lot of difference in my clothes and the way that I feel.  But for the first month of bike riding I didn’t lose any weight!  Everyone says, “You are most likely gaining muscle”, but gaining a pound of muscle takes a lot of work.  I would have expected to lose 10 or 15 pounds with all the cycling I was doing.  I know I didn’t gain 15 pounds of muscle.  So, what happened?

Ministry myThoughts

Church Sunday…

Billie Hunt ( taught at our church Sunday morning and night.  Her teaching was about not giving up on your dreams.  She used Joseph as an illustration.  The whole thing got me thinking, so I would say she did her job well. 

Ministry myThoughts

My Bus Ride Home…

I wanted to get home early today so Stephanie could go to a church function.  I left work in hopes of catching an earlier bus than usual, but when I got to the stop, the bus wasn’t there. Valley Metro lost it.  Yes, its missing.  When I called, they told me that it was not on the GPS screens and they could not reach the bus driver over the radio.  The 4:30 bus is just ‘off the map’.  So I start cycling home, and I should have kept going…