
Splat! – Well, Almost

Just picture this, a 300lb guy on a bike going about 30 mph down a very steep hill through an intersection, when a car in the right hand lane makes a right hand turn right in front of the 300lb guy on a bike going 30 mph…

Ministry myThoughts

The Door Swings Open

Without my bike (flat tire), I had to choose – ride the bus the whole way to work, or drive the car. I chose to ride the bus. I have not walked the long walk from my house to the bus stop in months. I forgot how long it takes to walk that half mile, and so I missed the bus. Not by much, I was about a football field’s length away when the bus went flying by me and past my stop. I had thirty minutes until the next bus was scheduled to come by…

Family My Weight Loss

Let Them Eat Cake!

The Sackrider Slimdown is a family effort to loose weight.  It’s about support from your family to push you to work out, eat right, and get the weight off.  Saturday, the Sackrider Slimdown wasn’t losing weight… instead we lost ground.  We all, Stephanie, Dianne, Dad, and I were at a birthday party for a church member and not one of us said – “DON’T EAT THAT CAKE!”  No, we all ate cake.  I had more than one piece.