
I’m still here…

Hey Everybody!  I’m still here.  So, why haven’t I written anything lately?  Well, my diet hasn’t been going well, I only lost 1/2 a pound last week and I don’t really talk about work online.  I also don’t talk about politics or religion (I talk about ministry but not really docterine of any type).  I would be suprised if someone reading my blog could tell you what kind of church I go to, or how I would vote in the next election (you don’t count, Cousin David – we’ve talked outside the blog).  So what has been going on?  I can’t talk about it…      :) stay tuned, I’ll have more later…

My Weight Loss myThoughts

11.5 pounds so far…

Check in the Weekly Update section – I’ve lost 11.5 pounds so far!  I’ve got a long way to go, but its only been 6 weeks, and I’m close to 2 pounds a week. 

At my heaviest, I weighed in at a huge 330 lbs!  I lost 30 pounds in Columbus, OH two summers ago through walking, geocaching, and at the end riding my bike.  It took me 10 years to pack on the 100 pounds I once carried.  I weighed a mere 230 lbs when I left high school, but I also bench pressed 300 lbs, and box squatted over 1000 lbs.  Each winter in Ohio, I would put on 20 lbs, and each summer I would take off about 10 lbs.  Ten years later, I was 100 lbs heavier.

But now… I have lost a total of 40 lbs from my heaviest; 11.5 pounds since I started cycling to work.  At this rate, I’ll be down below my high school weight in about a year… to bad the 10 year reunion is in about a month – :)


Times Up… I knew it was coming

Today is a sad day for me.  I knew it was going to happen, but I was hoping it wouldn’t happen for a while longer.  Safelite called – they want their laptop back.  When I left the company, I kept my laptop so that I could continue to work for them on an as needed basis.  The ‘as needed’ never came.  Of course they would eventually ask for the laptop back, but I was reallly hoping they would have forgotten about it now.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet.  I’m writing this post on the very laptop doomed to leave my hands in a week or so to make the trip back to Columbus.  I’ll keep you posted… maybe