You have noticed that I stopped posting for about a week. You may have noticed that I didn’t update “Weekly Update…” this week either. I want to shed some light on the events over the last two weeks or so to explain my absence. Bear with me as I’m going to throw a lot of unconnected information at you and I am not going into detail on most of it (not to keep it personal, but because it would just be a boring read)…
Tag: Work
“Oh No, Daddy!”
Everyday my son Zander is learning and doing something new. He is 2 1/2 yrs old and been completely potty trained for several months, he is starting to say his ABC’s and he can count to 10. Having Stephanie as a stay-at-home mom has been excellent for Zander’s learning curve. A couple of months ago Stephanie started teaching Zander all the different body parts and he was learning fast. He had already learned all the parts on his face. As we walked through a sporting goods store he showed me just how much he had learned.
Busy, Busy, Busy…
Ok, here’s the deal – if you have been reading my blog so far, you already know that my old job asked that I send back my laptop. So I brought a new one, it came in last week. All I still needed to do was copy over my files and pack up the old laptop. Apparently, my old laptop had some hard drive errors so now I’ve been having trouble getting my files backed up. For the most part, it’s been useless stuff that I could just delete and move on, however I lost one picture for sure and I may have lost a wav file with my sermon notes on it.