My Weight Loss

The Ride Goes On…

I started the offical ‘Sackrider Slimdown’ on Wednesday and one of my goals was to put 100 miles on my bike by next Wednesday.  Well, I did not think that all the way through. :)

My Weight Loss

The Sackrider Slimdown Begins!

OK, yesterday was the first offical day of The Sackrider Slimdown!  Dad, Dianne, and Stephanie are joining me, although, I’m certian I’m the only one brave enough to post my weight right here online.  I will weight in every Wednesday moring, and post my weight, as well as my eating habits and my exercise routines.  Maybe this psudo-accountability will help me to bring off the pounds.

Now because I want the thousands of readers out there (harharhar) to quickly see my weekly results, I’m going to create a new page and link it up top.  That way, it won’t get lost in my other posts about life, ministry, and family.  Feel free to comment on any of my posts – any words of encouragement are welcomed!

My Weight Loss

My Weightloss Journal

Ok — One of the BIG reasons I finally moved to AZ was my wieght. I gained an average of 10lbs a year in Columbus OH, taking me from the slightly overweight 230lbs to the extreemly overweight 330lbs! The last summer I was in Columbus, Stephanie and I bought bikes and begain to ride a couple of nights a week and on weekends. I lost 30lbs that summer, but it got cold (remember, I was in Ohio) and I couldn’t ride anymore. I started to gain some of the weight back.