Well, for those of you who don’t know, I’m a member of a free online Bible reading club found at http://godfidence.org/bible. We read seven chapters a day and I wanted to invite you to join us. If you are like me, you said at the beginning of year that you wanted to read your Bible more, but somewhere around February you stopped, right? Here is your chance to jump back on board!
Tag: rain
Who are you to judge… yourself?
Romans 9
20But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’ ” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10). When we speak against our fellow Christians, we become evangelists for Satan. This concept is easily understood by the Church when applied as a deterrent for gossip or other externally directed accusations. Interestingly, we seldom if ever consider the implications when we are accusing ourselves. Most likely, I suppose, this is due to the fact that we know already or at least we seem to think we know, whether or not our accusations have merit, and therefore become not only our accuser and also our own judge.
Work Jargon, and GeoCaching
WOW – I cannot believe I haven’t written in here in such a long time and so much has happened at work, home, and church.
Let’s start with work – I still have no answer about the request for raise and promotion, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We have begun the AD roll-out finally. Greg Hoffman and I migrated LOC 1820 yesterday. We migrate the Contact Center next week. Anyway…
and Church – I spoke with Bro. Ronnie and asked him how can I help – he asked me to become a lay leader. I still don’t believe I have a good answer as to what a lay leader is exactly, but I went to training and I plan to get involved as much as possible.
Home – Well, check out GeoCaching.com! Quite possibly the best thing that has happened for Stephanie and I in a long while regarding physical activity and us time. We have been going from park to farm to park, hiking everywhere. For those who don’t know what geocaching is – I use multi-million dollar government satelites to find tupperware in the woods – :)
We post latitude and longitude of a cache online and others use those coordinates to find it. We sign the log and trade trinkets, while picking trash up along the way. It’s great fun and Stephanie and I found 7 today. Anyway, I’m going to bed now.