
Why Fred Thompson Must Win The Republican Nomination

Ok – I don’t normally write political pieces, but with the Republican nomination up for grabs and the South Carolina primary coming up this Saturday, I thought I might put in my two sense worth – no I didn’t misspell cents – I want to inject some common and not so common sense here. While you may like any one of the top guys in the republican race, I’m going on record to say that if the nomination is not Fred Thompson, the Democrats will take the White House. Here’s why Fred Thompson must win the nomination – No one else can beat Clinton or Obama. Lets look at the five top contenders: Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mit Romney, and Fred Thompson. Rudy Giuliani – Pro-Choice. I don’t know if I even need to go further here, but I will explain it to those of you that don’t see why this would be a deal breaker. The last two presidential elections were split down the middle between Republicans and Democrats with less than 3% between the two. Now, I’m not going to address the abortion issue head on here, just the statistics for a pro-choice republican. This is a big issue for ultra-conservatives and even the not-so ultra-conservatives. If just 10% of the voting base of the republican party stayed home from the general election, the democrat nominee (not matter who it is) would win. Rudy cannot win if everything else were in his favor. John McCain – McCain-Lieberman (Climate Stewardship Act of 2003), McCain-Feingold (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002), McCain-Kennedy (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006), etc, etc, etc. I know many of you are thinking, “hey this guy knows how to reach across the isle” and I agree that can be a great trait in a president. In fact, I actually think McCain is the republican’s second best chance at the White House. But… He isn’t reaching across, he is living over there. With his campain finance reform bill and his latest immigration bill, I just don’t believe he will be able to pull enough votes to win. Again, it doesn’t matter if he is right on these issues, it matters if voters agree with him. All it takes is 5% of the republican voting base to stay home and the democrats win. Mike Huckabee – Wayne Dumond, In-State Tuition for illegal immigrants, higher taxes, bigger government, Huckabust! Wayne Dumond likely wasn’t Huckabee’s fault, but it won’t matter. Remember the swiftboat captains in the 2004 election? All it would take is one commercial showing that Huckabee urged the parole board to release Dumond (supposedly, Dumond had found faith in God). Dumond went on to kill and rape. Beyond that, he supports policies friendly to illegal immigration, higher taxes, and government restrictions like a national smoking ban in public places. The only reason you know his name today is Charisma magazine has posted several articles in favor of Huckabee. You may not read Charisma or even know what it is, but I bet your pastor does. And I believe the late boost in Huckabee’s compain is due in large part to Charisma, but just being a Christian doesn’t qualify you to be president. Many of us ‘evangelicals’ voted on President Bush based in part on his faith, but have found ourselves dissatisfied with the current situation. Leaving all of that aside – do any of us really believe Huckabee can beat the democratic nominee? I don’t. Mit Romney – Mormon. I know many people don’t have an issue with Romney’s faith, however many of the core republican voters do. If Romney were to take the nomination, you can bet your last dollar that you will see one of the 527 groups (example: swift boat vets) that will sound something like this: Mit Romney is on a path to become a god! Don’t believe us? Here’s what his faith says: The Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, has given us our map—a code of laws and commandments whereby we might attain perfection and, eventually, godhood ( All the democrats would need is to put off 5% of the Christian conservative base. Romney cannot win! So what makes Fred Thompson the right choice? He is conservative, he supports limited federal government, stronger states rights, and lowering taxes, he has a voting record of 100% pro-life, and he believes we should secure the boarder first. But hey, some of these other guys have similar platforms, right? Duncan Hunter is very close on the issues that I believe really matter to conservatives – but just like the front runners – he can’t win. Fred Thompson is charismatic, has name recognition, is well spoken, and truly conservative! He won’t be perfect, but he can win against Obama or Clinton. Ok – some of you are saying “but what about Ron Paul?” Here is the short of it – he has some great ideas (I’d love to see the IRS get the boot) but no matter how great his ideas sound, if he can’t get them done. He was voted one

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of the “50 Most Effective Members of Congress” by Congressional Quarterly, but it seems from those I’ve spoken to, most people have never heard of him before this election, don’t know what he stands for, and when they hear him, don’t believe he can do what he says he will. He can’t win. So, while I’m not telling anyone who to vote for (most of you won’t vote in the primaries anyway), I did want to go on the record as stating that Fred Thompson has to win the nomination or the Republicans don’t have much of a chance in winning the White House.


Lawmakers pressure the NFL?

Ok, I know I haven’t finished publishing the AK trip – sorry about that guys – but I couldn’t let this one go by without a comment – I’m not a big sports fan as many of you know, but how could I not pay attention to the undefeated New England Patriots this year? The 1972 Miami Dolphins had an undefeated season but the regular season was only 14 games then. There are now 16 regular season games and tomorrow the Patriots will face the New York Giants in the last game of regular season play. This will be a historic game for NFL football. Before this week, you would only be able to watch this game if you had the NFL network in your cable lineup, or you lived Boston or Manchester where it will air on WCVB-TV Channel 5 and WMUR-TV Channel 9 respectively.

Many cable companies don’t currently carry the NFL network in their basic package, but do offer the network as an addon. I called Cox Communication and had the NFL network (and NFL-HD) as well as the NBA Channel and about half a dozen other sports channels added for the combined low price of $5 a month. I’m not a sports buff, but for that price, why not?

I know this isn’t what I typically write about, but when my brother-in-law called me to tell me that US Senators have put pressure on the NFL over the NFL network’s broadcast of this (and other) games, I had to blog about it. Yes, you read that correctly, US Senators have decided that this is a matter federal government’s attention. Senators from both sides of the isle contacted the NFL to complain that only about 40% of US households received the NFL Network and threatened to review the NFL’s monopoly exemption if they didn’t make the game more widely available! Can you say EXTORTION?!?!? Talk about abuse of power, here is a prime example. I can’t imagine what would make these senators think such an abuse of their authority acceptable. Do these men have nothing better to do as senators of this nation then to pursue what channel the game is on? Maybe they cannot afford the $5 a month? I’m sure there is a sports bar somewhere inside the beltway that will be airing the game…

Whatever the case, the NFL has backed down for fear of congressional repercussion – the game will now be aired on NBC and CBS as well – which by the way violates their contract with WMUR.


Strike! Strike! Strike!

Strike! Strike! Strike!Ok – I know I haven’t written anything in a while, but I can’t help it – the Writers Guild of America are on Strike! I cannot simply cross the picket lines and start writing quality blog posts, can I? I mean – even CNN News was affected by the strike, which at first confused me because I didn’t realize the news had to be written (I was under the impression that news was simply reported and not actually written by the same group of talented people that brought us Friends, Cheers, and Seinfield.) So if anyone asks, I’m not really me. This

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post is actually written by a ‘scab’ that picked up to get through to the end of the season. I suggested that we just repost some of the older blog entries with new dates. I mean, they may not be new, but if you haven’t read them, then they are new to you, right?

It may seem cliche but if the writers are on strike, who wrote their signs for the picket line? Anyway, I hope we get this resolved soon so I can tell you guys about the security guard at the natural bridge (“Sir, how many people are in the car!” – he was hilarious!) or the Zander moment that occurred in church when during the announcements video he turned to me and asked “Is it over?” because he thought the scrolling announcements were credits – too much TV maybe? And I would love to tell you guys about the two weeks my brother-in-law and his family stayed with us, or the fact that I have to be at church at 7:30 this morning because we are “Gettin’ Out of the House!” on a Sunday morning to clean up a few neighborhoods, serve breakfast at a boys and girls club and a senior citizens home.

Trust me – I’m not using the strike as an excuss, I really do want to tell you that “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium” was actually a great movie that I throughly enjoyed but wouldn’t recommend you take your three year old – not because its inappropriate for that age (although Mr Magorium did once use the word “stupid” in a manner that sounded very much like a swear word) but because your three year old might distract you from being able to enjoy the movie as much as you could have with potty breaks and popcorn requests. I really do want to share these things with you, but I simply can’t. It would be against everything us writers stand for – you must understand how much of a union man I am (…