
Quick Note…

Just so you know, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. My brother-in-law and his wife and two daughters have been in town and staying with us for the last two weeks. Its been great having them and we have spent many nights talking about the Bible, ministry, great movies, and life (not in that order). Well, tonight is their last night with us and I will miss having them around. There are challenges to having an entire additional family living in the same house,

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but Stephanie and I both want large families, so the benefits far out way the challenges. I will miss those long debates. I will miss watching Zander play with his cousins. We really enjoyed having them as our guests. Anyway – I haven’t posted in a while and I wanted to drop a line saying I’m still here… consider this line dro…….

Events Ministry

Online Bible Study Group

Ok – It’s been a while since I’ve pushed any of my friends to read through the Bible with me.  The wait is over!  I got a lot of feed back that reading the Bible cover to cover in six months was just too much (don’t get me started – 7 chapters a day = 30 mins of reading, ANYWAY…), so for those of you that said you just couldn’t study the bible ‘that fast’ – we are slowing it down.

Starting July, we are reading the New Testament in six months – that’s right, a mere 1.5 chapters a day if you wanted to read straight through.  You won’t get a better deal than that!  Ok – I’m making light of the situation, however we are going to ‘study’ the word and not just read it, so there may not be a set ‘reading’ schedule per se, but its all still being worked out.  One suggestion was that we group the books together and pick blocks of time to cover a group – for instance, July and August we could dedicate to reading the four gospels, but not have a rigid chapters per day set.  You could read the gospels in parallel and compare them, or read quickly past the ‘begets’ and spend days on the beatitudes.

As always, we are going to log our thoughts, questions, revelations online with my good friend Jason Fisher’s website:

If you have thoughts or questions on a reading schedule, study pattern, or just how to get started, please visit, sign up and post!  I look forward to reading with you!


School Shootings

I don’t usually post on such grave matters, however I just read several online posting about gun control in response to the recent horrible event at Virgina Tech.

One such post had this quote:

When will we learn that freedom and guns do not play well together?

The students at Virgina Tech were killed by a deranged lunatic. Jack the Ripper used knives, Hitler used gas chambers, Jim Jones used poison, Cho used a gun – Guns are not evil, Cho was.

If the students were allowed to carry guns on campus maybe this could have been stopped before 32 people were killed — remember the Appalachian school shooting in 2002? Two students went to their cars, got their guns, and stopped a killer just like this one.

Criminalize guns – and only the criminals will have guns.