
Zander Stories…

Ok, Zander is growing up everyday but I haven’t put anything up here in a while. Here are a couple of the latest cute Zander stories:

The Drive Through

After church recently, Stephanie and I stopped at a drive through to pick up a quick dinner. Usually when we are going out to eat, we order Zander something too, but since we were headed back to the house, we figured we would save the money and just feed him from what he had at home – he gets more groceries than Stephanie and I combined.

Anyway, as I was ordering, Zander started to tell me he wanted a milk but I quickly hushed him up so that I could finish my order and we pulled around to the window. As the girl handed out our drinks, saying “This is the diet … and here is the regular”, Zander rolled down his window and very clearly and politely says, “And I’ll take a milk, please”.

The girl must have thought this was cute, because she promptly brought him a milk.


We have a bedtime routine with Zander where we let him know he only has so many minutes left before bedtime, then we take him ‘potty’, then to bed where I read him a story, sometimes two before lights out. On days where we relax his bedtime a little and he is up much later than he should be, we sometimes skip the bed time stories.This particular night, we were watching TV and let it get later than we should have. Stephanie and I paused whatever show we were watching and took Zander to bed. It was so late, that I almost forgot to take him ‘potty’, which you just cannot do unless you want to wake up at 3am with a screaming kid that doesn’t understand why his belly hurts until you tell him to get up and go to the bathroom (at least he doesn’t wet the bed).

So, he was already in his bed, when Stephanie reminded me to send him ‘potty’. On the way to the restroom, he asks, “Can you read me two stories?” and I wasn’t paying attention and said, “yes”. Stephanie knowing that I wasn’t paying attention and that it was late enough that Zander would go to sleep without a story (and perhaps motivated by the fact that we would not be able to finish watching whatever the show we were watching was until I finished) looked at me and said, “you just agreed to S – T – O – R – Y!”

My son stopped walking toward the bathroom, turns and says, “S – T – O – R – Y is in my room!” While my first thought was, “I have the smartest three year old in the world!” – my wife wisely asks Zander, “what is S – T – O – R – Y?” to which he replied, “my doggie!”


Lexi’s Smile!

D-Tour is over, vacation is over, traveling is done.  I’m back at work, and life is returning to normal, however today (unexpectedly due to scheduling conflicts) we were able to get our 3-D ultrasound!  Here is my baby girls first smile caught on tape:

Lexi’s Smile


Better than any MP3

Yesterday I worked from home so that I could get some things done around that house that needed to be done before I left for the trip (in two days!!!). Well, without my bike ride to work, I felt like I was cheating my training time, so after work I decided I would go on the bike for a little while. Stephanie had been working with Zander all day with the extra task of keeping him quite while I was on the phone for work so to give her a break, I took Zander with me.

Zander was very excited to go on a bike ride with daddy. We went outside and he waited patiently while I put the bike stroller on my bike. He climbed in, carrying his Thomas book and we headed out. At first he asked the common questions you expect from a three year old –

“Are you on your bike, daddy?” — Yes son
“What are you doing?” — Riding my bike, Zander
“Where is mommy?” — At the house, son

After that wore off, he settled in and started ‘reading’ his book. My legs were finally starting to warm up and get used to the extra weight of the stroller and Zander in tow. That’s when he started singing. Zander likes to sing when he is happy and he makes up the songs as he goes along. Often times the song will mimic whatever is going on at the time – “The red light, daddy has to stop, we are driving”. But yesterday he was singing something like this:

Bible, Jesus, I eat my bananas and strawberries, we went on a boat

He went on for a couple of miles. He was finally distracted by the kids playing at the park we past by. Those few miles were the highlight of the ten mile trip. My son singing happily last night sounded better than any MP3 I’ve ever heard.