
Happy Birthday Zander!!!

Today Zander turned 4

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years old.


Zander Moments

Here are a few Zander moments that you won’t want to miss:


Smells like…

We had just gotten to church and were walking up the sidewalk to service when another group of women all wearing perfumes happened by – Zander sniffed the air a couple of times and stated “Daddy, I think I smell church!”


Too much TV??

Zander spends most church service with the children’s ministry class, but one service when there was no classes I brought him into the main service with me. Zander enjoyed the song service, he sat quietly through the offering, and was truly on his best behavior. Then during the offering, the church started an announcements video loop on the big screens – all scrolling text with upcomming events while the choir sang a lively chorus. Zander looked at the scrolling text and asked “Is it over Daddy?”Zander carving pumpkins


Too Smart for that trick any more!

Stephanie and I trade off putting Zander to bed and he sometimes puts up a fuss about going down. We have a routine like going ‘potty’ and brushing teeth so when we say, “Zander, go potty” at the end of the night, it raises questions like “Am I going to bed?” If we answer with a simple “Yes”, we sometimes face a fit of “But I don’t want to go to sleep” so we often defer him with simple comments like “Not yet, right now you are going potty” Once he is in bed he will ask to stay up or to play. We defer him with comments like, “Well, I will come in a check on you later and we’ll see” and then check back only after we know he has fallen asleep.

One night, Stephanie said to him “I’ll check on you in a bit” to which Zander replied, “Mommy – are you going to check on me when the sun is up?”


New Mommy?

We’ve been telling Zander that he is turning four in a few days. Today, while riding to the store with Stephanie, Zander asked if he was four yet. Stephanie said, “no, its not your birthday yet”. Zander replied “its very exciting” Then Zander thought for a moment and asked “will I get a new mommy when I turn four?”

Stephanie replied “No – do you want a new mommy?”

“No” he replied

“What do you like about your mommy?” Stephanie asking hoping he would say something good

Zander and Lexi“She’s beauuuuuutiful” Zander cooed.


First Window Please…

Stephanie took Zander with her to the grocery store to pick up a few items we needed to finish dinner. “We need to get some food, Zander” she explained. When they got to the store, Zander argued, “I thought we were going to get food mommy, I’m hungry”Arches

“We are getting food, Zander. This is the grocery store – they have food – they have lots of food” she replied

“No mommy, we get food in the car”

Apparently, we have gone to fast food way to often lately.


Busy, Busy, Busy

Hello All! I haven’t written an entry in a while because I have been crazy busy! So here is the latests on a few fronts: Stephanie’s New Biz: You may have noticed the ABC link in my sidebar by now – Stephanie has started an online store selling cloth diapers. I have wanted to use cloth diapers for years, but Stephanie wasn’t interested until our sister-in-law Dana sent her a starter pack of cloth diapers. They are very cute, lots of patterns and accessories – these aren’t the cloth diapers that our mom’s had to use! Stephanie gave them a second look and after a lot of research, jumped in with both feet! Lexi has been in nothing but cloth diapers and we love them. That’s why she started the business – well let’s be honest, we hope it makes money as well! Anyway – most of you don’t have kids in diapers, so I’m not pulling an ‘AmWay’ on ya – I’m not looking to sell you a bunch of stuff or ‘share’ with you an ‘opportunity’ – but I do hope you check out her store and let her know what you think – its Work: Work has been crazy!!! This is the busiest time of the year for my team because we have a freeze window from Nov 16th through the first week of January – so any business teams that want to get their IT projects done before the end of the year have to get them done in the next few weeks. I’ve been working 60-80 hour weeks for the last month. Yesterday was an especially rough day because through an automated process all of my access was incorrectly revoked – my email, my network login, my remote access to work from home, basically every access I need to do my job was removed! To get it fixed, I had to open a support ticket with our helpdesk but the standard time frame to correct it is three days! So, I had to get my senior level VP to call the helpdesk for escalation – which puts the time frame at eight hours. Still, losing an entire work day during this time of year is insane. To top it off – we have a new director that started officially yesterday and the first time she hears my name is from an outside business team demanding that she ‘get Dale’s access fixed – its affecting our timelines!’ WOW – great first impression! Church: I’ve been feeling lately like I’ve been hiding in the pews and its time to take a step forward to help advance the Kingdom of God. So, I scheduled a meeting with my Pastor to talk about where I can ‘step it up’ in our church. Shortly after I had scheduled the meeting with my Pastor, I got an email from a cousin regarding a youth pastor position at their church. My cousin asked if I would be willing to talk with his pastor regarding the position – I said yes, but I wanted to talk to my pastor before I would consider a position with another church. Within a few hours of emailing that reply to my cousin, his pastor called me! We talked about my history and that church’s future – but I let him know that I was meeting with my pastor soon and wouldn’t be interested in pursuing a position (staff or volunteer) outside of my church until after I had an opportunity to talk with my pastor. He let me know that they also had another minister candidate already scheduled to come into town but wanted to talk with me anyway – he even suggested that I visit his church and consider volunteering there. I can’t blame him for trying! I enjoyed talking with him and I did pray about it, but I love my

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current church and I’m not looking for employment, I want to affect the Kingdom of God in a positive way. If that means a full time job, great! If not, that’s ok too. Anyway – I have since met with my Pastor to discuss where I fit in our church. It was a good meeting and while my pastor did not know it, what I really needed to hear was that there was a place for me in our church – and that is the exact words his used during our meeting. I left encouraged and excited about the future. Well, I hope to get back to regular blog entry’s after the 16th – until then…