Normally on Wednesday’s I have to take the bus to Arrowhead mall, then ride my bike to the church so that I can be there in time to watch Zander for Stephanie, right?  Today I leave work at 4:30 thinking, I’ll catch the 4:30 bus and be able to go home first so I don’t have to fight with the bike rack after church… then I got this bright idea – it’s only 4:30 – and it only takes me about 1 1/2 hours to get home when I ride my bike all the way. Hmmm… that puts me at the house around 6pm. I leave the bus stop and head home despite the fact that my left knee was starting to hurt and it fells a little hot.
Tag: irs
The Sackrider Slimdown Begins!
OK, yesterday was the first offical day of The Sackrider Slimdown! Dad, Dianne, and Stephanie are joining me, although, I’m certian I’m the only one brave enough to post my weight right here online. I will weight in every Wednesday moring, and post my weight, as well as my eating habits and my exercise routines. Maybe this psudo-accountability will help me to bring off the pounds.
Now because I want the thousands of readers out there (harharhar) to quickly see my weekly results, I’m going to create a new page and link it up top. That way, it won’t get lost in my other posts about life, ministry, and family. Feel free to comment on any of my posts – any words of encouragement are welcomed!
10 year reunion, 300lbs!
I have 12 weeks until my 10 year class reunion. I weight somewhere around 300 lbs today (offical weight will be posted when the plan begins). I want to lose 100lbs, BUT not in 12 weeks. If I lose two to three pounds a week for 12 weeks, I should be 24 to 36 pounds lighter, or somewhere between 276 and 264lbs.