
Spam made me do it.

I had to make a change to how comments can be posted on my blog.  You will now have to be logged in to post a comment.  Why?  Well, at first it was just one little email saying, WordPress – Please Moderate Comment(s).  Inside the email there was a comment from someone I don’t know and have never heard of, with a comment like, “great site!” and 50 or so links under the comment for viagra.  No big deal, I simply marked the comment as spam and moved on.  Then I started getting these emails two and three times a week.  I couldn’t just turn of the moderator notifications – that’s how I met some of you guys. 

I had to do something when I started getting four or five of them a day.  By requiring users to be logged in to post a comment, spammers will not be able to send me these “buy my stuff” links.  This also means, however that you have to be logged in to post a comment.  I really enjoy reading your comments and it encourages me to keep posting, keep cycling, keep dieting, etc.  So I really do hope you will sign in and post.  If you haven’t yet registered, you can do so here (

Ministry myThoughts

The Door Swings Open

Without my bike (flat tire), I had to choose – ride the bus the whole way to work, or drive the car. I chose to ride the bus. I have not walked the long walk from my house to the bus stop in months. I forgot how long it takes to walk that half mile, and so I missed the bus. Not by much, I was about a football field’s length away when the bus went flying by me and past my stop. I had thirty minutes until the next bus was scheduled to come by…

My Weight Loss

The Bod Pod

So, as you know by know, I’m working to lose weight.  I’ve already seen a lot of difference in my clothes and the way that I feel.  But for the first month of bike riding I didn’t lose any weight!  Everyone says, “You are most likely gaining muscle”, but gaining a pound of muscle takes a lot of work.  I would have expected to lose 10 or 15 pounds with all the cycling I was doing.  I know I didn’t gain 15 pounds of muscle.  So, what happened?