Ok, I’m sure you already know about myspace.com, right? Well, yesterday I was home sick from work and spent sometime on myspace.com. It’s not something I have a lot of time for but apparently I’m the only one that doesn’t. Everyone I know is on myspace. I’ve had a site there for a while, but I don’t use it — it just points people back to sackrider.org. Anyway, yesterday I clicked the link to import my gmail contacts to myspace so I can find out who in my contacts has a myspace page. I was surprised…
Tag: irs
Working Vacation
I knew I should have turned off my phone when I went to bed last night! I was awaken at 2 am with the sound of my phone going off – I had a page – Three actually. We have service level agreements that we have to meet. If no one respondes to the first page, we get another 15 mins later. If no one respondes to that one, we get another. The page this morning is a Sev 2 ticket. We have three severity levels. Sev 1 tickets have to be responded to within 15 mins. Sev 2’s give us something like four hours.
Anyway, here I am at 2:30 in the morning, working. I should have turned off my phone…
Shedding Light… Part 2
Ok, I don’t want to leave you guys hanging with the thought that my life is spinning in turmoil. My last post titled “Shedding Light (Instead of pounds)” was my best to attempt to excuse myself from not posting and more importantly from not losing weight. I do feel that I need to point out that at the time of the posting things were and still are going very very well for me. I know you guys may have felt like I was down and out but remember, you were reading a history story and not a news report.