Events myThoughts

I got hit by a car!

It happened on the 14th – and I should have written something then, but better late than never…

I was going to ride my bike all the way to and from work that day, but I got a late start. Often when I am running late (i.e. over slept) I just take the car, but today Stephanie had to have the car for a doctor’s appointment. So I offered a compromise that Stephanie would take me and my bike as far as she could on the way to her doctors appointment and I would ride the rest of the way. In the confusion that followed I forgot to get my helmet and gloves. Stephanie took me about twelve miles toward my work — I rode (without a helmet) the other seven miles to work. It was uneventful, except for the fact that I had never taken this route before and there wasn’t a bike lane for most of it. After work, I was not so lucky.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Part I

By:  Stephanie Sackrider

(FYI this is my first post for the Blog.  My husband’s very proud)

Most of our closest friends and family know we have been going thru IVF.  I felt that I needed to share some of my thoughts and the experiences we are gaining.  There is so much to the treatment and process, I’m not even sure where to begin.

Ministry myThoughts

A Choice Between to Paths

When I was twelve years old I felt a pulling on the inside of me, a drawling toward faith and service to God, a Calling. Since that time, the Calling has pulled and pushed me in one direction – ministry. I went to Bible College straight out of high school – over 400 miles away from home. I met my wife at Bible College, although we did not date until after graduation. After I graduated Bible College (a two year school), I stayed at the local church associated with the school as a volunteer drama minister leading a team of 20-30 young adults and youth. One of the youth on my team was the daughter of the man that gave me my first job working with computers.