Ok, I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t really have time to do it, but I would like to more consistantly log my thoughts and I believe a blog is a good way to do that. So, soon I will make this blog the default homepage for http://sackrider.org. Until then, I will continue to act like I have time to add new projects (like this one) to my plate.
Tag: ID
I haven’t been in here and a while and I cannot seem to get this to work remotely. Not sure why. Money is tight, I am still in OH, and I am still much larger than I want to be. I am behind about 45 chapters in my bible reading. Which is better than I was… Anyway, I hate that I haven’t written in a while. I am putting a lot of my thoughts onto Jason’s bible forum. I should download it and put them here as well. I’m falling asleep, so nite.
Later, Same Day…
I just read my last entry in April. I have an update – I did not get the raise I asked for, I have not successfully plugged into lay leadership as I had hoped, we are not still geocaching on a weekly basis. Suprised? I’m not. forgive me, but I’m not in a great mood and I don’t currently see a bright future…