
Blast from the Past: myOldBlogs

Can’t get enought of myBlog?  Well, I’ve just added 13 entries from over a year ago.  I started an online journal when Zander was born – quickly abondoned it, then picked it back up again – Then abondoned it again.  I’ve published them under the correct dates that I wrote them, but you can ignore the timestamp on the posts – You can read them all here.

These 13 entries are all of those efforts.  I wrote them before I had WordPress (the blog software I use to publish this blog) and I believe the lack of entries is directly related to amount of effort it took to write an entry.  Anyway, most of its boring, but there are a few great posts about Zander and Stephanie – so enjoy, and feel free to comment on anything you read there…

Oh, by the way, some of the posts were writen when I was feeling a little hopeless due to the long cold winter weather and my not being in ministry full time but remember these are over a year old, so please don’t attempt to cheer me up based on what you read in myOldBlogs.

My Weight Loss

Looking for my Bod Pod results?

Just a reminder that all of of my weekly weight ins, diet and exercise goals as well as updated pictures of me can be found at the “Weekly Update…” tab:

Here are the latest Bod Pod Results: 

BF: 124.4
LW: 169.5
TW: 293.9

I’ve lost 2 lbs of fat and gained almost a pound of lean body weight.  Thats a great trade off.  I had a bad week last week, but I’m not going to let that stop me from pushing on.

Oh, for all of you who have said I should be smiling in my pictures – remember these are the BEFORE pictures… :)


I Need Your Help! (Update)

UPDATE: Thanks for all your help (those of you that replied) – I’ve made a few minor changes to the font size on the links and on the calendar that should fix the sidebar placement.  If you are still having trouble, please post a reply or comment.  Thanks…

I’m having some trouble with my website, and I’m trying to find out just how big an issue it is.  I need to know if you can see sidebar (the Google Link, Calendar, Search Bar ect) to the right hand side of this post or are that at the bottom of the page.  Please post a comment with the browser you are using (Microsoft’s IE, Netscape, Firefox, etc) and if you can the version number, plus where the sidebar is on your page.  Its supposed to be to the right, but on some browsers its showing up at the bottom… Thanks…