Hey Everybody! I’m still here. So, why haven’t I written anything lately? Well, my diet hasn’t been going well, I only lost 1/2 a pound last week and I don’t really talk about work online. I also don’t talk about politics or religion (I talk about ministry but not really docterine of any type). I would be suprised if someone reading my blog could tell you what kind of church I go to, or how I would vote in the next election (you don’t count, Cousin David – we’ve talked outside the blog). So what has been going on? I can’t talk about it…     :) stay tuned, I’ll have more later…
Tag: ID
11.5 pounds so far…
Check in the Weekly Update section – I’ve lost 11.5 pounds so far! I’ve got a long way to go, but its only been 6 weeks, and I’m close to 2 pounds a week.Â
At my heaviest, I weighed in at a huge 330 lbs! I lost 30 pounds in Columbus, OH two summers ago through walking, geocaching, and at the end riding my bike. It took me 10 years to pack on the 100 pounds I once carried. I weighed a mere 230 lbs when I left high school, but I also bench pressed 300 lbs, and box squatted over 1000 lbs. Each winter in Ohio, I would put on 20 lbs, and each summer I would take off about 10 lbs. Ten years later, I was 100 lbs heavier.
But now… I have lost a total of 40 lbs from my heaviest; 11.5 pounds since I started cycling to work. At this rate, I’ll be down below my high school weight in about a year… to bad the 10 year reunion is in about a month – :)
I did it!
That’s what my son, Zander says whenever he does something we’ve made a big deal about before – like counting to twelve.
“One, two, free, four, five, six…(short pause) six, eight, nine, ten, twelve… I did it!”, followed by his own ‘Yeah!!” and clapping. It’s cute. We encourage it.Â
On Friday, at 56th St and Mayo – I did it! My bike odometer rolled over 1000 miles!!! I called Stephanie. I know, its not that big a deal for some of the cyclist out there, but I can count to twelve without skipping seven and eleven. I did it! And I’m very proud!