My Weight Loss myThoughts

Back in The Saddle Again…almost

OK – I don’t have long to post – I’m at work.  I rode my bike on Monday this week, but yesterday was our church’s big fall festival event so I drove to make sure I would be home in time to get to the church in time.  I drove today because I had a doctor appointment this morning.

I only rode the one day last week that I wrote the original post by the same name.  So, to recap – I’ve ridden my bike for roughly 75 miles in a week and a half.  I was riding about 100 miles a week before I so quickly ‘fell’ off the horse to begin with.

I’m hoping to get the ‘bod pod’ test done today – I know I’ve gained weight since my last ‘weekly update’ over a month ago.  I’ll post the results as soon as I have them…

My Weight Loss myThoughts

Back in The Saddle Again…

Thank you for flooding my email box with concern about my lack of posting regarding weightloss – it was touching that you noticed my weekly update turned into monthly (er… not even) updates.  I was overwhelmed that you guys would not let me quit!… (cricket, cricket, cricket…) 


Did He Just Say That?

So, I’m in the car (I should have been on my bike, but I’ll save that for another post) and I’m listening to Christian radio.  There is a preacher on and although I didn’t catch what he was preaching on, I did hear him say:

“We must be consistent on a regular basis

WHAT? I thought, sure – we really shouldn’t be consistent on an irregular basis.  This thought really tickled my funny bone until I stopped laughing long enough to consider what I was laughing about. 

Its late (about 1:15 in the morning) and I haven’t typed out all my thoughts on the state of Christian outreach.  I’ll assume the preacher on this station is a good man and that he simply had a ‘GWBush’ moment.  But the moment on the radio underscored my impression of our efforts to reach the ‘lost’.  We don’t sound intelligent, we don’t sound like we understand the message we preach. 

I hear TV preachers and radio preachers and it seems to me that most of the time dedicated to christian media outreaches is spent raising funds so we can be on TV or Radio.  We fundraise so we can continue to pay for our fundraising activities.  I know this has little to do with a preacher that misspoke on a radio program…