The Magic Alley
We were on our way home when we noticed the fireworks. The closer we got to the house, the closer we got to the fireworks. I don’t know why they were lighting fireworks, but we pulled over to enjoy them. Zander and I love a good fireworks show – Actually, I think I love any fireworks show, even a bad one. At the end of this one, they lit up several large colorful fireworks and Zander yells in a very excited tone – “Its the magic alley, Daddy – the magic alley!!!”. It took me a second to realize what he was saying, so I asked him to be sure – “Zander, do you mean – the BIG FINALE?”
Foggy Fog
There was recently a lunar eclipse but we weren’t able to see it due to an unusual overcast. Zander and I were watching the moon when it started but just as the eclipse started, we lost it behind the clouds. While explaining the eclipse to Zander, I told him that the moon was ducking behind the Earth – when it went behind the clouds, Zander says, “no daddy – it didn’t go behind the earf, it went behind the foggy fog.”
God’s Camera
Zander was very interested in the thunder and lightening, during a recent electrical storm. It was right over us and more intense than I think I’ve ever been through. It was so intense, I actually was concerned about standing outside during the storm. Several times the lightening lit up the whole house, including down the hall ways! The following thunder would crack and bang so loudly that it rattled the windows and set off car alarms in the neighborhoods.
When I put Zander to bed, he was concerned about the storm and said he couldn’t sleep while it was happening. He kept saying “the lighting is going to die God, Daddy”. I was tired and just wanted him to stay in bed. After several times of explaining that God is in no danger, I snapped “the lightening is God taking pictures, Zander! He isn’t going to die from taking pictures.” (I know, I know, not a good way of dealing with it). Regardless, it seemed to work because for the next fifteen minutes Zander was quiet and stayed in bed. Then my wife heard Zander praying, “God, stop taking pictures, I can’t sleep!”

Zander’s Prayer
In the car on the way home from church, Lexi started to cry and wouldn’t stop. I reached back to give her a pacifier but she was not interested. Zander is very compassionate toward Lexi most of the time, but he does get frustrated at her as well. Between her crying, his idol chatting, and the radio, I was getting audio overloaded. So, I turned off the radio and I asked Zander to quiet down until we got home. Lexi continued to cry. A few minutes into the Lexi only sound track, Zander says, “God, help Lexi – she doesn’t know how to be quiet… AND she is fragile.”
Zander the chauffeur
On the way to church, Zander is chatting away as he often does about whatever is going on in his mind at the time (I wonder where he gets that from…hehe!) Usually his noises don’t bother me, but he kept making this clicking sound by sucking on his teeth that was really starting to get to me. I was going to ask him to stop, but thought I would take a look in the back seat at what he was doing first. His hands were in front of him as though they were on a steering wheel, moving back and forth a little, and he would ‘honk’ the horn which appeared to be beside his steering wheel instead of on it. Then whenever I would pull up to a stop and turn on my turn signal (yes, with the tic, tic, tic sound the car makes) Zander would start his ‘clicking’ sound.
I asked him what he was doing – he said “I’m driving you around Daddy!”. I’m glad I didn’t ask him to stop…