
VOTE!!! – er… Nevermind

Imaging that you are watching a sports team that you grew up with as a kid play the big game.  Only – they haven’t been all that good in the last few years and you don’t like the new coach.  In fact, you would even think about not cheering for them but they are playing their rivals and you still hate that team more than you dislike the new coaches of your team.  This is how I went into last night… 

We lost.  And how could we not?  As a friend put it – The Republicans forgot to dance with the one that brought ’em.  Conservatives feel like the fat girl on the bench – and since most of us are either entrepreneurs, self-employed or both, we tend to expect results.  When we don’t get them, we fire people.  Republicans were fired yesterday. 

To be honest, I cannot image a result that I would have been happy with last night.  Maybe the Dems can do better… I fear they will do much worse. 


My Weight Loss myThoughts

Back in The Saddle Again…

Thank you for flooding my email box with concern about my lack of posting regarding weightloss – it was touching that you noticed my weekly update turned into monthly (er… not even) updates.  I was overwhelmed that you guys would not let me quit!… (cricket, cricket, cricket…) 

Family myThoughts

Movie Nite With The Fishers

We are having a blast with Jason and Heather and little Alora.  They flew in on Wednesday night and will be here until Tuesday morning.  We hung out at a local mall Thursday, went to Tombstone Friday (Stephanie and I had never been before either), enjoyed a lazy day on Saturday, went to church this morning and tonight decided on a movie night over heading to Flagstaff.