
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Part I

By:  Stephanie Sackrider

(FYI this is my first post for the Blog.  My husband’s very proud)

Most of our closest friends and family know we have been going thru IVF.  I felt that I needed to share some of my thoughts and the experiences we are gaining.  There is so much to the treatment and process, I’m not even sure where to begin.

Ministry myThoughts

A Choice Between to Paths

When I was twelve years old I felt a pulling on the inside of me, a drawling toward faith and service to God, a Calling. Since that time, the Calling has pulled and pushed me in one direction – ministry. I went to Bible College straight out of high school – over 400 miles away from home. I met my wife at Bible College, although we did not date until after graduation. After I graduated Bible College (a two year school), I stayed at the local church associated with the school as a volunteer drama minister leading a team of 20-30 young adults and youth. One of the youth on my team was the daughter of the man that gave me my first job working with computers.


Family Time

Stephanie and I went on a bike ride a couple of Saturdays ago.  We left the house around 11 am with Zander in tow and hit the cannals.  We biked a total of 15 miles but we had several stops along the way including a playground for Zander, a basketball court where we realized we aren’t going to be drafted by the NBA anytime soon.  We had a great time – I really enjoyed spending the day with my family.

We were going to do the same last Saturday, but after being out late at the drive-in movies Friday night, we both over slept.  We could have still gone out, but we both wanted an excuse to be lazy.  Anyway, our goal is to be more and more active – one Saturday of staying in is Ok, but with Zander coping everything we do, being active is the example we want to set.