Tag: Family
We’re Pregnant!!!
Ok — I can’t keep it a secret any longer – We are pregnant! We’ve been trying for two years now – we’ve been through doctor’s appointments, fertility treatments, injectables, more doctor’s visits, insurance changes, money challenges, and more injectables, pills, and procedures. Well, its all over because we are pregnant!
I’m very excited about a new baby in the house (yes, only one according to the latest ultrasound). If its a girl, her name will be Alexis. If you ask Zander, he will tell you its a girl by simply declaring – “I can’t wait for Lexi” I think I want another son. Zander is going to be almost four when this child is born (BTW we are nine weeks pregnant). I would hate for Zander to be six or even older before having a brother. Four years is already much longer apart than we had hoped.
Anyway, we are all excited and I’m glad we could share it with you. Oh, if its a boy we haven’t yet decided on a name. We are wrestling between Aiden and Ashton. We’ll see…
Time with Grandpa
I should have posted this months ago, but I got busy and let it drop off in my drafts. I’m posting it now so that I will be able to look back someday and remember…
When I was in NC for my ten year reunion, I stayed at my Grandpa house. We were there for over a week and I had to work the whole week. I was connected over VPN and able to get a lot of my normal job functions done despite being thousands of miles away from the office. In the middle of one of my work days, Grandpa came up to me looking pretty curious and asked a few questions:
Grandpa – “So, where do you work again?”
Me – “{large bank I’ll leave unnamed}”
Grandpa – “Are they pretty big? Are they all the way out here in North Carolina or just over in Arizona?”
Me – “They are global – so yeah, they’re big”
Grandpa – “So… how are you working on computers when you aren’t even in the office?”
Me – “I’m working remotely over the internet”
Grandp – “I just don’t see how you can fix computers when you aren’t anywhere near them…”
I enjoyed the time I spent there, for the most part it was very quiet.