D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX

D-Tour 2007: Last Minute Details

Well, I only have one full day left. Yesterday I bought a roof rack to mount the bike on top of the car. I still have so many things I wanted to get done before I left that likely will not get done. I need to get the oil changed on the car, and I intended to get the bike tuned up before I left. I wanted to get Stephanie and myself new cell phones, as we have both had our phones for a while (and they have both been dropped more than once). I also wanted a new camera, as the one we bought at Christmas was damaged and our old one is… old.

As for work – I’ve spent all week transitioning my projects to other engineers, but there is much work left undone that I’m pretty certain will become a huge mess by the time I get back. It seems all the projects I have were dragging their feet on timelines until they heard I was leaving for two weeks – now everything is due while I’m gone!

But despite all of that – I’m excited! Tomorrow I plan to hit the road at 4:30am (just before sunrise). I head down to Tempe, then across Mesa, on to Apache Junction. From there it gets rough. I have a long stretch of nothing but busy highway road, then steep climbs up to Superior and on to Miami/Globe. I won’t make it all the way for several reasons – namely its over a 100 miles and the last 40 miles are all climbing in the heat of the day. So, at 2pm no matter where I am on that mountain, Stephanie is picking me up and we drive the rest of the way to Globe. We found a $40 a night hotel the last time we were there that we plan to stay at. The next day is a 90 mile day, with three big climbs but a good amount of descents as well.

This is likely my last post for a few days, but I will keep notes and post when I can. See you on the other side!

D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX Events

The D-Tour: 2007 Millennial Ride

Five days left until the newly named – D-Tour! Thanks go to Aaron Delong for the name. I’m getting shirts made up this week. Friday I rode for 62 miles, Saturday I rode for another 33. On the tour I have to ride between 55-95 miles a day. I will post the day to day agenda before I leave on Saturday morning from my house and head for our first stop in Globe.

I can tell you that we have two days planned where Stephanie will be picking me up and taking me to that night’s destination (the first day is one of them!). We are staying at camp sites for much of the trip, however we do have a few motels planned and one bed and breakfast. I start riding most days by 6am and I am completely done for the day by 2pm.

I’m very excited and I think Stephanie is actually getting a little excited as well. I know she will be excited when its over. If all goes as planned, we will be in Del Rio by Thursday morning June 7th.

D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX Events

Naming the Bike Tour – part 2

OK — I’ve had some great suggestions. But I’m still searching – and with the bike tour only a week away, I better find something fast! Some of my favorite suggestions from you guys –

De Ass is Sore Tour — DAS 2007 by Gena
Trip N Dale’s by Aaron
The Trek to Hell Rio by Dana

I’ve thought of a few additional names:

Blast the Ballast Bike Tour — The B3Tour
Trek of Tonnage — T-squared Tour
Push Past the Poundage Tour — The P3Tour

If you have any additional ideas – or just want to cast your vote for your favorite, please pipe in – there’s only a week left!