D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX

Day 6: On the Road again!

Today I reached the half way point in El Paso. I started my day at about 4:45am and finished at about 1:30pm. I rode a total of 85 miles today! In all, I’ve put about 380 miles on the bike. Ok, some of you might be thinking, 1000 mile trip, half way point should equal 500 miles – but it doesn’t. Remember, I already planned to lose miles at some of the steeper climbs, plus day 2 cost me about 30 miles due to rough roads. And don’t forget, I took a much needed day off yesterday.

Anyway, I knew going into this that I wasn’t going to roll into Del Rio with 1000 miles on the bike. I’m going to be happy with whatever the final number turns out to be. I mean, how could I not — I rode my bicycle 85 miles today! I’m having a blast, my legs are stronger than ever, I feel great, and although its a wicked farmers tan, I am getting dark. I only need to work on the tall and hansom part…

D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX

Day 2, 3, 4, & 5

Day 2: Booohoooo!!!

The day started great – there was a climb but it wasn’t too much to bear and then there was a lot of down hill. The first 20 miles were great — then I turned off highway 70 to follow the main route around lake san carlos. The road was bearly paved and full of holes — I had a very difficult time over the next 30 miles. There was no cell service, so I couldn’t even call Stephanie to come get me. I thought I broke a spoke on my tire twice, but luckly I did not. After all was said and done, I only got 50 miles on the bike today. I was not happy with the days results.

Stephanie and I found a great camp site next to a lake. We pitched the tent, and went to the lake to cool off. Its dark now and Zander refused to go to the bathroom while we were in town. He asked to go, so I get in the car with him and drive the quater mile to the restrooms where … he doesn’t go. I get him back in the tent and he promptly says – I have to go ukkies!

Day 3 will be better… right?

D-Tour 2007: Glendale, AZ to Del Rio, TX

Day 1: Whooohoooo!!!

Here are the stats

Started: Glendale – 1300 ft
Finished: Superior – 2800 ft
Day 1 –
Travled 80.5 miles
Climbed over 2000 ft in all – most of which were in the last 10 miles

I started at 5:30am from my house. I got 500 ft from the house and had to turn around — I forgot my shades! Then it was all business – I was averaging 13-15 miles an hour for the first few hours – there was no traffic, it was cool (only 70 degrees) and I was excited.

I told Stephanie last night that I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve – I hardly slept. We were able to get the bike tuned up before I left and Stephanie and I both picked up new cell phones. My new phone is also an MP3 player, so I can listen to my tunes and still hear when Stephanie calls me. I also purchased a new pannier for the handle bars, so I have a place to put the map, extra water, my phone, my wallet, and anything else I needed. Between the phone and the pannier, I was riding in luxury.

Meanwhile at the home front – Stephanie was stuck packing the car and making sure we had everything we need for the trip. At the same time, she was dealing with Zander and running last minute errands. I think I had the better deal. It wasn’t all roses for me however. I was on the bike for a total of 7 hours 45 minutes today. While I averaged almost 13 miles an hour for the first 5 1/2 hours covering 70 miles of road, the last 10 miles took the other 2 hours and 45 minutes!!! I had steep climbs for the last ten miles and although there were a few downhills in the middle, I was so tired from the climbing that I could barely move my legs to pick up any speed on the downhills.

Anyway, today was different than the rest of the trip in that I had a lot of climbing at the end of a long day. This put the tough part of my days ride after I had already gone 70 miles and during the hottest part of the day. Anyway, I really enjoyed Day One. We are likely staying at camp sites for the next couple of nights, so until next time…