
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-16

  • its 4:30am – why am I up? scratch that, who cares… this is easily fixed… g'nite! #
  • had dinner, gave kids bath, did homework w/ Zander, put kids 2 bed, settled in to get some work done… doh! left laptop power supply @ work #
  • drove 2 wk 2 pickup laptop power supply I forgot @ wk in order 2 get few hours wk done before tomorrow… does that make me a work-a-holic? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-16

  • its 4:30am – why am I up? scratch that, who cares… this is easily fixed… g'nite! #
  • had dinner, gave kids bath, did homework w/ Zander, put kids 2 bed, settled in to get some work done… doh! left laptop power supply @ work #
  • drove 2 wk 2 pickup laptop power supply I forgot @ wk in order 2 get few hours wk done before tomorrow… does that make me a work-a-holic? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-09

  • IQuitAgain: Resisting Tempation: I’m in a ‘lunch-n-learn’ meeting today where pizza.. #
  • at @Chick_fil_A, using the free wifi, an employee stops by 2 tell me how her daughter bought a dell like mine & had trouble w/ it #
  • just went on a hike – taking a shower, then out with the family #

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