
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-09

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-02

  • @stellagirl78 thanks girl… You have always been an inspiration! in reply to stellagirl78 #
  • Its my bday, the 1st thing I hear this AM, "Lexi pee'd in her bed and is crying for you daddy!"… I guess I'm too old for birthdays anyway #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-18

  • listening to this morning christian radio show, its painfully bad… #
  • @jasonrfisher I promised my wife I would listen to christian only music for a week in reply to jasonrfisher #
  • They have already called my zone for boarding, but why would I want to get in that can before I have to? #
  • Hello Charlotte… Sorry I can't stay longer than 30 mins… #
  • I forgot how big the charlotte airport is #
  • I just unlocked the "Photogenic" badge on @foursquare! #
  • I'm at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) (5501 Josh Birmingham Pkwy, at Billy Graham Pkwy, Charlotte) #
  • My first sprint 4g connection… Eh… #
  • Away we go #
  • I'm at Hooters (1001 Claren Cir, at Airport Blvd., Morrisville) #
  • Gimme a ticket to an airplane… Aint got time for a fast train… :-) #
  • Back on the ground… #
  • #
  • Zander wrote a blog entry about his day at the waterpark – he got lost… #
  • Playing with Windows 8 and the new Tweet@rama app – pretty amazing first impression… #

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