Events My Weight Loss myThoughts

500 MILES!

I would [ride] 500 miles, and I would [ride] 500 more… dadadada

OK — I’m not the Proclaimers singing “When I wake up” but I DID RIDE 500 MILES!  My bike had about 150 miles on it when I got here to Phoenix, AZ.  Today, my bike rolled over 500 miles! 

My Weight Loss

The Ride Goes On…

I started the offical ‘Sackrider Slimdown’ on Wednesday and one of my goals was to put 100 miles on my bike by next Wednesday.  Well, I did not think that all the way through. :)

My Weight Loss myThoughts

My Bicycle Wish List


My Trek 7200 Series Bike

Well, now that I’m riding my bike four or five times a week, I have found that there are several things I want for my bike:Â