
Splat! – Well, Almost

Just picture this, a 300lb guy on a bike going about 30 mph down a very steep hill through an intersection, when a car in the right hand lane makes a right hand turn right in front of the 300lb guy on a bike going 30 mph…

Ministry myThoughts

The Door Swings Open

Without my bike (flat tire), I had to choose – ride the bus the whole way to work, or drive the car. I chose to ride the bus. I have not walked the long walk from my house to the bus stop in months. I forgot how long it takes to walk that half mile, and so I missed the bus. Not by much, I was about a football field’s length away when the bus went flying by me and past my stop. I had thirty minutes until the next bus was scheduled to come by…


My bike is busted!

I got a flat sometime between when I parked it on Friday and Sunday night.  I took the bus Monday, and got home too late to get it to a shop.  So after we had dinner with Dad and Dianne (they just got back from vacation) I ran into a Walmart looking for a new tube for my bike.  Here’s a piece of advice for you – never buy anything for you bike at Walmart!  I thought I had 26″ tires.  I also thought I could change a tube.  I was wrong on both counts.Â