
Busy, Busy, Busy…

Ok, here’s the deal – if you have been reading my blog so far, you already know that my old job asked that I send back my laptop.  So I brought a new one, it came in last week.  All I still needed to do was copy over my files and pack up the old laptop.  Apparently, my old laptop had some hard drive errors so now I’ve been having trouble getting my files backed up.  For the most part, it’s been useless stuff that I could just delete and move on, however I lost one picture for sure and I may have lost a wav file with my sermon notes on it.

My Weight Loss myThoughts

11.5 pounds so far…

Check in the Weekly Update section – I’ve lost 11.5 pounds so far!  I’ve got a long way to go, but its only been 6 weeks, and I’m close to 2 pounds a week. 

At my heaviest, I weighed in at a huge 330 lbs!  I lost 30 pounds in Columbus, OH two summers ago through walking, geocaching, and at the end riding my bike.  It took me 10 years to pack on the 100 pounds I once carried.  I weighed a mere 230 lbs when I left high school, but I also bench pressed 300 lbs, and box squatted over 1000 lbs.  Each winter in Ohio, I would put on 20 lbs, and each summer I would take off about 10 lbs.  Ten years later, I was 100 lbs heavier.

But now… I have lost a total of 40 lbs from my heaviest; 11.5 pounds since I started cycling to work.  At this rate, I’ll be down below my high school weight in about a year… to bad the 10 year reunion is in about a month – :)


I did it!

That’s what my son, Zander says whenever he does something we’ve made a big deal about before – like counting to twelve.

“One, two, free, four, five, six…(short pause) six, eight, nine, ten, twelve… I did it!”, followed by his own ‘Yeah!!” and clapping.  It’s cute.  We encourage it. 

On Friday, at 56th St and Mayo – I did it!  My bike odometer rolled over 1000 miles!!!  I called Stephanie.  I know, its not that big a deal for some of the cyclist out there, but I can count to twelve without skipping seven and eleven.  I did it!  And I’m very proud!