
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-19

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-12

  • I took my wedding ring off 2 shower this morning & forgot it! Great, now I'm going 2 spend all day apologizing 2 ladies; sorry, I'm married #
  • I'm at Stand Up Scottsdale (Scottsdale, AZ) #
  • Just killed @ a corp gig! Ok it was a team meeting @ work & I talked about mentorship but I didn't run long & I did get a laugh so whatever! #
  • I'm at Stand Up Scottsdale (Scottsdale, AZ) w/ 3 others #
  • I just ousted @aaronhasspoken as the mayor of Stand Up Scottsdale on @foursquare! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-05

  • I don't do a good job of writing down standup material & worried I'm losing material b/c of that, but my stuff sux; So is it really losing? #
  • I wouldn't go anywhere near a Chick-Fil-A today but I'm not boycotting either #
  • "supporting" a for-profit biz b/c you believe the same as their CEO is stupid. If you eat there, do it for the chicken not the politics #
  • why? b/c for-profit biz is FOR PROFIT. If you want to support a cause, find its charity and give directly to it. #

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