
Early to Bed, Early to Rise…

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise… so what does up all night, sleep all day make? Miserable! Its the beginning of my vacation – I have two weeks off… We don’t have any plans to travel. So what did I do last night? I was up until almost 4am… and this morning I feel like I was hit in the face by Mike Tyson.

I’m sure that someone actually having been hit in the face by Mike Tyson could tell me differently – but until they do, I’m assuming this is exactly what it would feel like the next day. My head is pounding, my forehead is tight, my sinuses are completely stuffed with pressure, and my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my face.

I know this is from being up all night because its the second day I’ve done this! But no more!!! Tonight I will be in bed before midnight… :)


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-18

  • The pastor today has used the word propitiation about a dozen times… #
  • What a play!!! Go Cardinals! #
  • Just finished my last soda until next Friday night… Unless George wants to buy me Chinos… :) #
  • Romo snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory… argh!!! #
  • This season of Dexter has been a HUGH disappointment!!!!!!! #
  • does the government REALLY need to be involved in the volume level of commercials? #
  • what is "Used To Be Fat"? Sounds like a TV show? #
  • between the documentary "forks over knives" and the book "Eat to Live", I'm scared to eat anything other than broccoli… #justsayin #
  • its my first day off for the rest of the year and I'm up early, thinking about work… doh! #
  • even if ObamaCare would improve my health coverage and lower my health bils – I would be against it – this is NOT the job of government!!!
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  • heading to the dentist for the third day in a row… #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-11

  • Sitting club level at the cardinals/cowboys game… #
  • I had a GREAT time at the Cardinals game tonight! Go Cardinals!!! #

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