Events Ministry

Reading the Bible…

Well, for those of you who don’t know, I’m a member of a free online Bible reading club found at  We read seven chapters a day and I wanted to invite you to join us.  If you are like me, you said at the beginning of year that you wanted to read your Bible more, but somewhere around February you stopped, right?  Here is your chance to jump back on board!

My Weight Loss

So, here’s the thing…

I want to stop drinking soda pop, and stop eating sugary foods, BUT… This weekend we are having a lot of family over (you’re invited) and I know there is going to be a lot of soda and a lot of sugary foods.  Its like starting a diet two days before Thanksgiving, there is no way you are going to stick to your diet.  Or even worst, you stick to the diet, don’t eat the pumpkin pie, the corn bread, the canberry sauce, and still don’t loose any weight and end up cheating two weeks later anyway.

It would help if I got water when I go out to eat for lunch with the team, but I usually hate the tap water restraunts give you and end up asking for a diet pop anyway.  That’s going to be hard.  That along with trying to eat out healthy to begin with.  I do not want to start packing my lunch everyday – it turns me into “that guy”.  You know, the guy that doesn’t work well with the team, never socializes and never goes out to eat with the team.  I won’t be that guy.

At this point I’m just rambling.  I will go on an all water week (just for fluids, I’m not fasting here) starting Monday.  I know, I know, I may have trouble on the 4th of July (which is Tuesday).  If so, I will reset my week to Wednesday, but I will do one continuios seven day period of just water for fluid.  After that, we will re-evaluate.  I’ll keep you posted.


Who are you to judge… yourself?

Romans 9

20But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’ ” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?

Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10).  When we speak against our fellow Christians, we become evangelists for Satan.  This concept is easily understood by the Church when applied as a deterrent for gossip or other externally directed accusations.  Interestingly, we seldom if ever consider the implications when we are accusing ourselves.  Most likely, I suppose, this is due to the fact that we know already or at least we seem to think we know, whether or not our accusations have merit, and therefore become not only our accuser and also our own judge.