
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-26

  • My son (8 yrs old) is staying up late to read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"… Am I starting him out too young? I don't think so… #
  • TITANIC IN 3D? Can someone explain what exactly 3D is going to bring to the Titanic movie? Seems like a silly thing to me… #
  • I think… I'm pretty sure… I mean, most likely… I over use the ellipsis… maybe… but maybe not… #
  • Just got to #wcphx 401… #
  • case, nymph, ha, && !flash… The geek starts early in 401 #wcphx #
  • I use to monitor my sites… #wcphx #
  • the view outside of the #wcphx 401… #
  • @dimensionmedia sure it could… If they had only told you where the bathroom was using a qr code there would be no line… lol in reply to dimensionmedia #
  • Love hearing coding best practices in 401 #wcphx #
  • @HelperBinAZ I keep meaning to join the WordPress group that meets @gangplank once a month… :-) in reply to HelperBinAZ #
  • #wcphx feedback: I'm not going to wear a wrist band all day. they are uncomfortable and ugly. :-) #
  • @shandapeterson don't resist! in reply to shandapeterson #
  • Cheesy cheesy scripted hosts this morning! Love it!!! #wcphx #
  • I am digging party rockers at #wcphx #
  • I'm going to be an expert in 45 mins in HTML5, CSS3, etc in the think tank #wcphx #
  • at least that's what the speaker promised! :) #wcphx #
  • all apps will be web apps in the next 5 years! #wcphx #
  • commercial moves faster than open groups? hmmm… #wcphx #
  • "IE is looking better than it did 3 years ago when we were all still putting in that budget line for IE6" #wcphx think tank #
  • How long will it be before I can use CSS3 media queries without having to write JavaScript for non-HTML5 browsers? #wcphx #
  • its funny to me that tablets are considered "mobile" devices but laptops are not… #wcphx #
  • can media queries understand orientation?'s website doesn't size correctly in portrait on my tablet #wcphx #
  • bookmark for later research – CSS3 Transitions… very cool #wcphx #
  • 3d transforms in CSS3… very interesting #wcphx #
  • how do I use these amazing hover effects for mobile??? #wcphx #
  • learning amazing things I can't use in my daily job b/c IE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! #wcphx #
  • I feel like I'm learning about the web for the first time in the think tank at #wcphx #
  • audio and video are now "fundamental" to our web experience… Completely Agree! #wcphx #
  • security "claims"… interesting choice of words #wcphx #
  • @jakemgold – great talk – truly enjoyed it. #wcphx #
  • @katiecharland we miss you to Katie! #wcphx in reply to katiecharland #
  • @EricMann I'm wondering how long before HTML5 hits "critical mass" so that I no longer program for non HTML5 browsers… #wcphx in reply to EricMann #
  • @wpengine b/c the link you provided is broken… lol…. in reply to wpengine #
  • @ColeenSkeabeck sorry to hear that – I said a prayer… in reply to ColeenSkeabeck #
  • Josh Ziering, that tie is ridiculously thin… :) #wcphx #
  • "start with the end in mind" SEO class, #wcphx #
  • SEO competing with gorilla war fare! #wcphx #
  • guerrilla warfare… but I would also target gorilla b/c nobody spells that right… :) #wcphx #
  • SEO meta description is like "street walkers" that have your attention and now need to close the sale… interesting quote… :) #wcphx #
  • I've never even heard of pinterest before today…. #wcphx #
  • @chrisegg I guess so… :D in reply to chrisegg #
  • learning about Google's AdSense Quality Score and how that factors in your ppc… very cool #wcphx #
  • number of time you must have your keyword in your ad = 3. once in the title, once in the description, once in the url #wcphx #
  • The advanced site promotion class was suburb!!! #wcphx #
  • don't win on price! win the bid on quality and service! from the panel in MY WP room… #wcphx #
  • Agencies are shy to give their prices/numbers… #wcphx #
  • Two factor authentication is over kill for most WordPress sites in my opinion… #wcphx #
  • Is that an image of Jesse Jackson in his slides? #wcphx #
  • He said hacks r "released" 2 bad guys best patches are released 2 us. He meant "discovered"… WordPress doesn't release hacks #wcphx #
  • Love the dalek on the security slides! #wcphx #
  • Sad to see them already taking down the #wcphx banners… Today has been great! #
  • A lot of shared housing providers (like godaddy) don't offer ssh access to run the commands he just went over in the security class #wcphx #
  • @PhxREguy most of what he is talking about should be unless you are a security and or Linux admin! in reply to PhxREguy #
  • "better to auto update and have a broken site than to have a vulnerable site"…spoken like a man with no customers! #wcphx #
  • @GetSource of course DreamHost would say that… in reply to GetSource #
  • #wcphx thank you Chandler #
  • #wcphx I want the helicopter! #
  • Only at #wcphx can you get men to yell out that they have small feet! #
  • nice to meet you @haleejanes #wcphx #
  • another great #wcphx conference! I met amazing people w/ amazing ideas! Special thanks to @chrisegg for taking time to chat with me! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-19

  • I'm down 28lbs since 1/1/2012… 47lbs down since I started my blog… and 69lbs down since my heaviest at 330lbs #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-05

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