Events My Weight Loss

10 year reunion, 300lbs!

I have 12 weeks until my 10 year class reunion.  I weight somewhere around 300 lbs today (offical weight will be posted when the plan begins).  I want to lose 100lbs, BUT not in 12 weeks.  If I lose two to three pounds a week for 12 weeks, I should be 24 to 36 pounds lighter, or somewhere between 276 and 264lbs.


Celebrating Our Independence…

Independence Day

Fourth of July is here again, and we take a day to celebrate our nation’s birth.  As I consider our Nation’s ‘Independence’, I find myself focused on our individual struggles for independence.  My pastor ministered this Sunday about community in our churches, and about reconnecting.  But in America, we don’t want to reconnect; we want to be self-sufficient. We do not want to ‘need’ anyone.  When we are young, we want to be older so we can do things for ourselves, and when we grow old, we do not want to be a ‘burden’ on anyone.  We want to be independent.  It has been said that no man is an island, but if we could find a way, we would change that in America…

Events Family

The Quaterly Family Reunion

Saturday was the quaterly family reunion. We had about 25 people at our home and we had a lot of fun.  We played two rounds of Shanghi before the game fell completely apart but continued to enjoy fellowship and fun, while the younger kids played in the pool.Â