
I did it!

That’s what my son, Zander says whenever he does something we’ve made a big deal about before – like counting to twelve.

“One, two, free, four, five, six…(short pause) six, eight, nine, ten, twelve… I did it!”, followed by his own ‘Yeah!!” and clapping.  It’s cute.  We encourage it. 

On Friday, at 56th St and Mayo – I did it!  My bike odometer rolled over 1000 miles!!!  I called Stephanie.  I know, its not that big a deal for some of the cyclist out there, but I can count to twelve without skipping seven and eleven.  I did it!  And I’m very proud!


Blast from the Past: myOldBlogs

Can’t get enought of myBlog?  Well, I’ve just added 13 entries from over a year ago.  I started an online journal when Zander was born – quickly abondoned it, then picked it back up again – Then abondoned it again.  I’ve published them under the correct dates that I wrote them, but you can ignore the timestamp on the posts – You can read them all here.

These 13 entries are all of those efforts.  I wrote them before I had WordPress (the blog software I use to publish this blog) and I believe the lack of entries is directly related to amount of effort it took to write an entry.  Anyway, most of its boring, but there are a few great posts about Zander and Stephanie – so enjoy, and feel free to comment on anything you read there…

Oh, by the way, some of the posts were writen when I was feeling a little hopeless due to the long cold winter weather and my not being in ministry full time but remember these are over a year old, so please don’t attempt to cheer me up based on what you read in myOldBlogs.

My Weight Loss

Looking for my Bod Pod results?

Just a reminder that all of of my weekly weight ins, diet and exercise goals as well as updated pictures of me can be found at the “Weekly Update…” tab:

Here are the latest Bod Pod Results: 

BF: 124.4
LW: 169.5
TW: 293.9

I’ve lost 2 lbs of fat and gained almost a pound of lean body weight.  Thats a great trade off.  I had a bad week last week, but I’m not going to let that stop me from pushing on.

Oh, for all of you who have said I should be smiling in my pictures – remember these are the BEFORE pictures… :)