My Weight Loss


My wife has been going to WeightWatchers for a while now.  She has been losing weight and I’ve been loosely following the diet with her, but I haven’t been going to the meetings.  I’ve been thinking about attending them.  People that attending the meeting loose more weight than those that don’t.  If I do, this would be the most committed action I’ve done to loose weight to date.

I really do want to get the weight off, but I don’t look forward to sitting in a room with a bunch of over-weight women sharing their feelings.  Who knows, those women whom I haven’t met yet might just help me strip this extra 100 lbs off.  In any case, I’m sure it will make for some interesting blog entries…  I’ll keep you posted.

Events Family

Sedona with Grammie Shorey

We drove two hours past countless shopping malls, strip malls, and outlet stores to get to beautiful Sedona so we could…. shop at an outlet store.  I took the day off because we were going to head north to see some of Arizona’s most amazing views – Bell Rock, Snoopy Rock, Courthouse Rock, The Chaple on a Hill, just to name a few.  At least I thought that was why I took the day off.

Actually, I was taking the day off as a baby sitter so my wife could spend the day shopping with her mom.  I don’t mind, really – but we could have stayed in town to shop.  I’m glad we didn’t because of all the pictures I was able to get as Zander and I were off sightseeing during the Mother-Daughter shopping extravaganza.

Check out the pictures I took on the gallery site – I hope you enjoy them.


myspace es su space

Ok, I’m sure you already know about, right?  Well, yesterday I was home sick from work and spent sometime on  It’s not something I have a lot of time for but apparently I’m the only one that doesn’t.  Everyone I know is on myspace.  I’ve had a site there for a while, but I don’t use it — it just points people back to  Anyway, yesterday I clicked the link to import my gmail contacts to myspace so I can find out who in my contacts has a myspace page.  I was surprised…