
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13

  • Why is RIP only for dead people? I'd love a good rest in peace… I think we should be telling parents RIP – they need it! #
  • Pretty Awesome YouTube Video… Fully expect to see this on RWJ soon… via @MysteryGuitarM #
  • @RayWJ have you reviewed this one: Seriously ROCKS! #
  • @MyTrainerBob well, there is the whole working out sucks excuse… :D in reply to MyTrainerBob #
  • good luck finding #1ofmyflaws – I'm freakin' awesome! #
  • @jonacuff You're in PHX? Welcome to the valley of the sun… :D in reply to jonacuff #
  • I'm at Arena (Glendale, AZ) w/ 216 others #
  • Maybe tonight will be the open mic comedy performance that my wife will allow me to publish to YouTube… gotta leave out the language… #
  • Standup Scottsdale was fun tonight…gonna upload the video when I get home… #
  • Check it out – my youtube standup debut… #
  • I may have to never do standup again… I loved it so much, I'm having a hard time caring about the job that pays the bills… #
  • When does avocado stop being just mashed up avocado and become guacamole? #
  • @jillbryan Tuesday was fun – thanks for hosting a great open mic! #
  • I'm totally past shameless self promotion here – but check out my standup and let me know what think – good or bad #
  • @tobybohl Happy Birthday… in reply to tobybohl #
  • I heard this today and thought it was funny: twitter – its like highschool open mic, but everyone has a mic… #
  • If you disagree w/ my ideas, lets have a dialog, if you are offended, please unfollow/unfriend/just go away… #
  • Happy Mother's Day #
  • the google doodle today honors mother's day – pretty cool… #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-06

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29

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