
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20

  • my wife and daughter are both throwing up… I can't afford to be sick again… argghhhh!!!! #
  • @saracannon There is an IE9 release party? in reply to saracannon #
  • ut oh… MS Office Live is going to make Google Docs irreverent… Why exactly would I use Google Docs now? #
  • @saracannon mind explaining what "OH:" is all about? :) in reply to saracannon #
  • Installed IE9 today – looks a little like Chrome… I've heard good things… all of them from Microsoft… but still… :D #
  • Waking up now steals sleep from me, its too early to be up and too late to go back to sleep… Ugghhh! Thanks Aiden! #
  • @twitter I'm still going with tweeted… :-) in reply to twitter #
  • @MailChimp @eventbrite that is skewed unless it takes into account tweets that drive likes in reply to MailChimp #
  • Help me! Do I run 5k, 5m, or 10k tonight? I'm running 10m tomorrow either way… #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 1.00mi, Duration 00:12:29, Pace 12.43min/mi, Speed 4.83mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:25:25, Pace 12.70min/mi, Speed 4.72mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:38:45, Pace 12.91min/mi, Speed 4.65mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 4.00mi, Duration 00:53:08, Pace 13.28min/mi, Speed 4.52mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 5.00mi, Duration 01:06:20, Pace 13.26min/mi, Speed 4.52mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 5.03mi in 01:06:45 with a 13.28min/mi pace and 4.52mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06

  • I order @dominos b/c @pizzahut doesn't let me order online – Pizza Hut delivers here but their website doesn't think they do – #FAIL #
  • @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 1.00mi, Duration 00:12:34, Pace 12.53min/mi, Speed 4.79mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:26:05, Pace 13.02min/mi, Speed 4.61mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:40:05, Pace 13.35min/mi, Speed 4.49mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 3.31mi in 00:45:28 with a 13.73min/mi pace and 4.37mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
  • @benhainline Have a safe trip! in reply to benhainline #
  • I do not want to go on this run for a few very good reasons… #
  • @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:25:33, Pace 12.76min/mi, Speed 4.70mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:38:56, Pace 12.97min/mi, Speed 4.63mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 3.34mi in 00:44:02 with a 13.20min/mi pace and 4.55mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #
  • @AaronDeLong I did… glad I did too… How have you been man? I haven't heard from you in a LONG time… in reply to AaronDeLong #
  • my wife's laptop just caught on FIRE! I guess tomorrow we will be swinging by the Mac store… DOH! #
  • I messed up guys – I planned 2 run Warrior Dash – didn't sign up & they are SOLD OUT! Please msg me if u r registered & wld consider selling #
  • Any Realtors out there need a website? We are considering a new line of biz and I have 2 pilot spots available if you are an active Realtor #
  • YES! YES! YES! YES! Warrior Dash opened a second day in Phoenix and I am registering now… woohooo! (@jasonrfisher wish you could join me!) #
  • @perricollins not a plugin but Firefox and Chrome have built in spell checkers… IE sux! in reply to perricollins #
  • I'm heading out for a run to clear my head… #
  • @MapMyRun Started a workout. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 1.00mi, Duration 00:11:44, Pace 11.68min/mi, Speed 5.14mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 2.00mi, Duration 00:25:31, Pace 12.74min/mi, Speed 4.71mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 3.00mi, Duration 00:40:19, Pace 13.44min/mi, Speed 4.47mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 4.00mi, Duration 00:55:05, Pace 13.77min/mi, Speed 4.36mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 5.00mi, Duration 01:10:50, Pace 14.16min/mi, Speed 4.24mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun In progress. Distance 6.00mi, Duration 01:27:11, Pace 14.52min/mi, Speed 4.13mi/h. #mapmyfitness #
  • @MapMyRun I completed a Regular Run for 6.67mi in 01:37:46 with a 14.66min/mi pace and 4.09mi/h speed. #mapmyfitness #

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