Merry Christmas from the Sackrider family!
Category: Family
All things regarding family
I’m heading to the North Pole today. Well, first I’m stopping in Seattle, WA. My brother Jeremy is picking me up from there where we will drive his two vehicles onto a three day ferry that will take us into Alaska. Then its a two day drive that will take us into Canada, then back into Alaska, ending just outside of Fairbanks in a town called North Pole. Ok, so its not actually the top of the world North Pole, but its pretty close. Now I’ve been told that it gets as low as -40 degrees there – but its not bad because its a dry cold… (a little Phoenix humor there… Ok a very little Phoenix humor there…)
Anyway, as romantic as heading to the North Pole just before Christmas might sound, its not going to be all that romantic. I’m leaving my family here in Phoenix and the purpose of the trip is to help my brother move there. I haven’t been away from my wife and kids for this long before and I’m going to miss them terribly. I haven’t been away from Lexi at all since she was born and I don’t believe I’ve ever gone more than a few days since Zander was born. This trip is going to be almost 12 full days — and I just now realized how romantic that sounds as well – with the 12 days of Christmas and all. For those of you doing the math, yes I’ll be home for Christmas – Wow – this could have been a made for TV movie (too bad the writers are on strike).
Anyway, I hope to get a few pictures of the Northern lights, and I will enjoy the time with my brother (at least when we are not driving through winding mountainous roads, or unloading moving trucks full of stuff). This time of year the sun doesn’t really come up in Alaska – it kind of rolls along the horizon for a few hours in the middle of the day. Its going to be cold. I even went out and bought some long-johns for the trip.
Here is a picture of winter in Ohio – it was cold there but at least the sun was up.
So, Friday night, Stephanie and I went out to eat using a gift card a co-worker had given me. When we got back to the house, we realized what a nice night it was and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. That’s when I heard the announcer. He was calling the local football game at Ironwood High School; it’s across the street from my neighborhood. We decided to walk over and take a look.
The lights were on, the stands were full, the sounds of whistles blowing, helmets clashing, and silly trivia from the press box filled the air. The band was playing, the cheerleaders were cheering, the color guard was color guarding (although one of the girls dropped her flag more than once). Young girls and boys were walking hand in hand while gazing into each others wide starry eyes. I forgot how much perfume high school girls wear.
Stephanie and I really enjoyed this unexpected night cap to our evening. As we walked back home with still more than six minutes left on the fourth quarter clock (the score was 41 – 6 Ironwood), I looked back at the stands. I couldn’t help but wonder if these young people knew my God. Has anyone told them about Jesus? How can I be available to do the work of the LORD in the lives of these young people?