
He Who Finds a Wife, Finds a Good Thing

Ok – I was going to go to bed, but I noticed a bug in my journal page that incorrectly dated my entry as 04/01 instead of 04/11. I wanted to correct it, so I jumped on to my server and worked on it for while. It is now fixed, but in the process, I allowed myself to get side tracked and I re-read my journal entries from last year when we had Zander.

Wow – I had forgotten those thoughts completely. That is why I should have been keeping a journal my whole life – so that I wouldn’t forget. Zander is a child from God and sometimes I forget that. Stephanie is THE WIFE from God and I often forget that. I love her so much and my love for her grows everyday. I hope I am able to show all my children that my love for Stephanie is only passed by my Love for God.

Anyway – I must go – it’s late and I am tried… Until next time…


Workouts, Weather, and Returning to Volunteering

Hello! It’s Monday nite and I just got home from my workout. I always walk away wishing I had pushed myself more. I don’t have much to say today – Work was ok, the weather was great, and tomorrows another day.

Oh – I don’t remember if I said anything yesterday or not, but I spoke with Bro. Ronnie at the church about getting back involved. He asked me to call him Wednesday so I am looking forward to the call. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Until then…


Golf, Frisbees, the Park, Us together

Today was another great day. After church, Stephanie and I went to the driving range. She won’t play golf with me, but she will go to the range and to play miniture golf. She said, “I’ll go with you to work on your long game and your short game, just not at the same time…” :)

Anyway, after that we went to Play It Again sports and picked up a basketball and a football. Then we went to the park and found a frisbee. We spent most of our time throwing the frisbee back and forth. Zander loved it – he got to run and fall and roll around. He also chased the frisbee back and forth. It was a lot of fun.

Well, tomorrow is Monday and the work week begins. They are calling for rain Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It looks like next weekend is going to be a good one though. I am supposed to go pick up a swing set from Tom at work.

I am off to bed… Until next time, g’dnite.