Ok – I was going to go to bed, but I noticed a bug in my journal page that incorrectly dated my entry as 04/01 instead of 04/11. I wanted to correct it, so I jumped on to my server and worked on it for while. It is now fixed, but in the process, I allowed myself to get side tracked and I re-read my journal entries from last year when we had Zander.
Wow – I had forgotten those thoughts completely. That is why I should have been keeping a journal my whole life – so that I wouldn’t forget. Zander is a child from God and sometimes I forget that. Stephanie is THE WIFE from God and I often forget that. I love her so much and my love for her grows everyday. I hope I am able to show all my children that my love for Stephanie is only passed by my Love for God.
Anyway – I must go – it’s late and I am tried… Until next time…