- Workout started at 11:56 AM #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 1.00 km in 13:39, 13:38min/km, 4.40kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 2.00 km in 25:59, 12:58min/km, 4.63kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 3.00 km in 42:59, 14:18min/km, 4.19kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 4.00 km in 57:13, 14:17min/km, 4.20kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 5.00 km in 01:10:41, 14:07min/km, 4.25kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- In Progress: 6.00 km in 01:23:01, 13:50min/km, 4.34kmph, #iMapMyRun #
- Completed: Regular Walk 6.47km in 01:29:21, 15:08min/km, 3.96kmph, 458kCal #iMapMyRun #
- While taking Lexi to the bathroom, she looked up to see this on the men room door and said "a purse goes there!" http://twitpic.com/36zfs4 #
- its official, we are addicted! http://twitpic.com/36zmjw #
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